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This extension is due on Thursday 10/9. 


The extension used is called CGI math. The kids choose a set of the numbers they feel comfortable with to plug into the two blanks. Then using the set of numbers they chose, the kids solve the story problem. I have asked them to solve in two different ways (We learned four different ways to solve multiplication in numbers and/or drawings). Then the students are to write down in clear sentences how they found their answer.


For multiplication we learned:

- Breaking numbers apart

- Area model

- Lattice model

- Traditional Model


(If your child needs help, these strategies are in their white binder at school.)


Here are two examples of strategies we learned: (Shown in Khan Academy)

Area Model

Lattice Model


Here is a link to the extension in case your child needs another one. Let me know if you have any questions!



Today we read a book called A River of Words by Jen Bryant. The book was about a young writer who observed his world and found inspiration for his writing through the world around him. Through he writing we discussed the question, "What makes a sentence powerful?" The students came up with this list below:

Powerful sentences have...

  • great descriptions (adjectives)

  • suspense (exciting)

  • ideas that leave you wanting more

  • details (Where? When? Why?)

  • strong openers and transitions

  • endings other than periods (strong punctation)

  • emotion and voice


Your child was given an extension tonight in their sketch journal:


Sketch Journal Assignment #3: Powerful Sentences

Due date: Friday, September 19th, 2014

*Assignment will be shared in class.


  1. Observe something out in nature or an object in your home.

  2. Sketch what you see.

  3. Write a powerful sentence to describe your drawing.


* CHALLENGE: Add to your powerful sentence to create a poem.

Questions to guide your thinking::
What makes a powerful sentence?
What kinds of adjectives can you use to add detail?

What types of punctuation will strengthen the sentence?


  1. PROJECT WORK: Due tomorrow. If your child didn't finish their project work in class, they were asked to take home their 2nd draft artwork to illustrate​​ and reflect on the improvements.

  2. REFLECTION JOURNAL: Due tomorrow. If your child didn't finish their reflection journal, they were asked to bring their journal home to write about their day. Please write at least half a page and include the date.​

  3. SKETCH JOURNAL: Due date: Wednesday, September 17th *Assignment will be shared in class

  • Use centimeters and inches to measure an object in your house.

  • Sketch the object in your house that you chose to measure and label its sides with both centimeters and inches. (- Be clear about labeling the length, width and/or height. of the object.)

  • * CHALLENGE: What is the length, width and/or height in millimeters?


1. 1st draft of images artwork 

(Draw an image that represents them. It could be the same one from the sketch journal or a different image.)

2. Where I'm From poem 

(Complete the sentence frames for the Where I'm From poem. Each item should be something that represents who you are. Use George Ella Lyon's original poem for support.)

3. Reflection Journal 

(Write about your day in your reflection journal. What did you do? Did you show care to others? Did you have any challenges? What have fun? What did you learn?)



Sketch Journal Assignment #1: My Images

Due date: Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

*Assignment will be shared in class.

1. Sketch an image in your journal or bring in a photo of an image that represents you.

2. Write a paragraph explaining why this image represents you. (5 sentences minimum)


Questions to help guide your thinking:

- What is a picture or item that defines who I am? Why does it represent who I am?

- What is something that is very special to me? Why is it special?

- Does your family celebrate or recognize certain traditions?


ST Math

Spatial-Temporal (ST) Math® is the leader in visual math instruction and represents the highest quality and most effective blended learning math solution in K-12 education. Created by MIND Research Institute, ST Math is game-based instructional software for K-12 and is designed to boost math comprehension and proficiency through visual learning. Integrating with classroom instruction, ST Math incorporates the latest research in learning and the brain and promotes mastery-based learning and mathematical understanding. The ST Math software games use interactive, graphically-rich animations that visually represent mathematical concepts to improve conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills.


Learn more about ST Math at


In Room 127, students are expected to engage in ST Math in the classroom and at home. At the end of every month, each child is expected to increase a minimum of 10% towards their ST Math goal of 100%. This includes the regular ST Math content and the ST Math fluency. Your child should explore ST Math at home at least twice a week for an hour at each time. The ST Math website for kids is


The login code for ST Math at home is: HIG73E-HG7-B3-R69.


To find out how to login to ST Math at home, please check out the Parent Resource Page.


Help page for parents on ST Math

Reading Blog & Literature Circle

Students are responsible for reading at least 20 minutes a day at home. In addition, students will be responsible for completing a post on their readings once a week. The readings may come from various forms of literature that might be assigned to your child or literature of their choice.


Reading Blog

Literature Circle Form


Directions for Literature Circle assignment:

1) Read the assignment for the week

2) Write one question, one quote and one comment about your reading for the week. 

Other Extensions

Students will be assigned other extensions based on their needs. For example, during math instruction I notice a student is having trouble with addition fractions, thus I will assign the child extra practice at home to complete that week. If the entire class could benefit from more practice at home, then extensions will be given to the class. Students will also receive extensions if their in-class assignments are incomplete and need to be finished prior to the next day.

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