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Just for Kids!


This page is full of resources just for kids! Visit this site to explore and find activities you can do at home!


Math Card Games:

Materials: 1 deck of playing cards and 2-3 players

1. Pass out the cards evenly to each player

2. Cards cannot be seen and must be face down. 

3. On the count of three, each player puts down the top card of the deck

4. The first player to say the product of the cards gets to keep the cards

5. If a player runs out of cards, they drop out of the game.


Player with the most cards wins the game!



Materials: 1 deck of playing cards and 3 players

1. One player is the dealer and other two are explorers

2. The dealer deals a card to each explorer who sit across from each other

3. On the count of three, the explorers, without looking at their card hold their card face-out against their forehead

4. The dealer multiplies the two cards and says the product

5. The explorer who can first guess his/her card correctly gets to keep both cards.


Player with the most cards wins the game!

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