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I apppreciate Corinne for knowing Minecraft and for being my friend from your friend someone

I appreciate Jennifer for being Jennifer for being awesome and for helping the Humane Society from your friend Aquetzalli

I appreciate Ms.Kim for being the best teacher from your friend Edher

I appreciate Aquetzalli for being awesome and for trying space day from your friend Kira

I appreciate Ian for being my friend and for being fab from your mystery friend

I respect Sinqi for being awesome - Kira

I respect my friends for being kind to me - Cassie

I respect Jonah for writing this down - Ian

I respect everyone who played tag with me - Beny

I appreciate Ian for being fun and funny from your friend Aquetzalli

I respect Ms.Kim for taking us on many fieldtrips - Tyler

I respect Corinne for being the nicest friend - Alina

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