How do Forces of Nature & Environment Impact our Local Habitats?
Written By Jerimiah
My name is Jerimiah and I am a second grader at HTe North County. My class went to clean up Carlsbad Beach and noticed lots of trash! We decided to create a project about our dilemma. The essential question for our project was, "How do forces of nature and environment our local habitats?" We learned how trash and pollution impact the animals that live in our local habitats.
Please read my research below to learn more about our project and how you can help protect our local habitats.
By Jerimiah
Once there was an orca whale who was going on a trip from theAtlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean to go have her baby's .It was gonna be a long way so she filled up with a couple of seals and penguins .Then she started her journey from the Atlantic to the pacific,the orca mom also had some trouble on the way from some fishermen,after that it started to get dark,so the mother searched for shelter,and in thirty seconds she found a cave!The next morning at the San Francisco bay the baby’s were ‘’born early’’,the mother was so caught up with her journey she didn’t even notice the tails by her tail!She stopped to enjoy her two-hundred pound orca baby’s,but when she was about to name her last baby,there was an oil spill!And little… um... little uh… little what’s his name swam under the oil spill and got oil on himself!Then all of a sudden the current washed little what’s his name awayy…from his family.Would he ever see them again? or would he be on his own? Soon, the current stopped, but the orca was still covered with oil. Soon, a boy named Jessie came to the beach. Jessie was 7 years old and his parents allowed him to go alone. Then he saw the orca come up to breathe.Jessie was surprised, he never saw an ora before. He carefully pet the orca but when he took his hand off he saw oil. He quickly ran home to get supplies to clean the orca.
After he cleaned him, he named him Willy, then he taught him two tricks., how to flip and jump. The next day Jessie went to the beach wearing his swimming trunks and t-shirt. And when he saw Willy he jumped on him holding on to his dorsal fin. Then all of a sudden Willy closed his blowhole! “Uh-Oh”. Jessie said. Then after that Willy dived! And Jessie saw all the underwater world. Willy didn’t come up to breathe until mid-morning. Jessie got off of Willy and thought of a new trick to teach Willy and instead of one
Special thanks to:
The parents of 2nd Grade HTe and

There's been six-hundred ninety-nine birds that got in oil spills! The sea-turtles and mammals have been oiled sixty-five times, but sea-turtles have at least two-hundred fifty times oiled.
Data from: 2009 Informational Costal Cleanup

Project By:
Ms.Kim Tsai's 2nd Grade Students

For more information, please visit Ms.Kim Tsai's Digital Portfolio at:
he thought of three new tricks. Waving, shaking and jumping out of the water with Jessie on Willy’s nose! Now the last trick is totally insane but they worked a week later. Jessie found out that Willy got washed away from his family so he told his Uncle what happened because he likes taking care of sea animals. They worked very hard to save the Orca. A few weeks later when Willy was about to swim home without anybody noticing...thousands of millions or maybe hundreds of millions of bombs exploded!! They all set the sea on fire all blocking Willy’s path.He couldn’t go around it, under it. So the only thing left was over it.Jessie remembered Willy can jump, so he did the jump signal and made it over the fire without touching it! He made it home and when he made it over he got to see his family again!
And they lived happily ever after.