Parent's Corner

How can parents volunteer?
Become our Scholastic Book parent! This person will help to organize Scholastic book orders. Most of the work is done online and at home.
I am looking for one or two parents to be a room parent. This parent would help me organize field trips and classroom fundraisers.
Share your talents. If you have a special talent or hobby and would like to share it with the class please let me know. We are looking for experts to share their knowledge!
If you are a local of San Marcos and can help us connect with our community please contact me.
Send in snacks for the class. Please provide non-perishable semi healthy snacks for the class to enjoy during recess time.
I am looking for one or two parent volunteers to help me in the classroom once a week.
If you'd like to be a parent chaperone, please sign up on our Room 4: Parent Chaperone List for upcoming fieldwork opportunities!
Please complete our volunteer survey so that I may best contact you about volunteer opportunities.
Also, if any of these volunteer opportunities interest you, please email me at Thank you!
How to help your child at home:
Reflect with your child about their time at school
Practice site words with your child
Play math games with your child (Refer to "Just for Kids!" link)
Go to the public library about choose "Good fit Books" (Books appropriate for your child's level.)
Read with your child often
Encourage writing in all aspects (Letters to grandma, etc.)
Provide opportunities for your child to express creativity and explore their curiosities
Encourage problem solving and perseverance in difficult situations
Aftercare Program
Contact Jamelle Jones -
Family Collaborative
The family collaborative is an organization for parents to support learning at HTeNC.
Please r.s.v.p. to Jocelyn Flores at or call 760.759.2785.