How do Forces of Nature & Environment Impact our Local Habitats?
Written By Mahalia
My name is Mahalia and I am a second grader at HTe North County. My class went to clean up Carlsbad Beach and noticed lots of trash! We decided to create a project about our dilemma. The essential question for our project was, "How do forces of nature and environment our local habitats?" We learned how trash and pollution impact the animals that live in our local habitats.
Please read my research below to learn more about our project and how you can help protect our local habitats.
Written by Mahalia
One day a pregnant mother dolphin was playing in the sun.She felt her baby kicking and it came out! The mom was so proud she named her Elsa.Elsa was crying because she was hungry so the mother dolphin went to go look for shoals of fish.When she find it she surrounds it and then she chased the fish!
While the mom was chasing the fish the baby swan away.Then the mom came back with food but the baby wasn't there. so while the baby was swimming she thought she saw food but it was a plastic bag on the beach so the mom went looking for the baby. while the baby was swimming the mother saw the baby .the mother told her to stop but she didn’t so she kep on going. the baby tried to go on the beach and then she kept on going.
So, the baby went on the beach and ate the plastic bag. Then the mom tried to go help her but it was too late. She already ate the bag. The baby died but a new baby came out of the mom’s stomache and that baby was never lost. The end!
Special thanks to:
The parents of 2nd Grade HTe and

There was 1 reptile stuck in plastic bags. There were 6 mammals stuck in plastic bags. There were more birds than mammals.
Data from: 2009 International Costal Cleanup

Project By:
Ms.Kim Tsai's 2nd Grade Students

For more information, please visit Ms.Kim Tsai's Digital Portfolio at: