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How do Forces of Nature & Environment
Impact our Local Habitats?

Written By Oscar


My name is Oscar and I am a second grader at HTe North County. My class went to clean up Carlsbad Beach and noticed lots of trash! We decided to create a project about our dilemma. The essential question for our project was, "How do forces of nature and environment our local habitats?" We learned how trash and pollution impact the animals that live in our local habitats.


Please read my research below to learn more about our project and how you can help protect our local habitats.

Goblin Shark Dangers



     A goblin shark was 12,000 feet under water eating rat tails and dragon fish. The Goblin Shark lives in the Pacific Ocean, it eats there. After the shark bites its prey, it has to move its mouth in place. In order for the mouth to be big enough to eat the whole fish, the jaw comes out of its mouth.

     The shark has a low rounded dorsal fin to help it move around. Suddenly he saw a net with a rotten, dead rat tail in it.

     There was a flash and he moved away because he sensed danger. He found a nicer fish to eat that was not rotten or in a net. He found a deep sea squid pack. He was able to sneak up on the deep sea squid and safely eat. He was always sensing danger to stay away from trash and nets.




Special thanks to:

The parents of 2nd Grade HTe and


1 mammal caught in nets. 4 reptiles caugh in nets. 11 fish caught in nets. There are a total of 16 animals caught in nets.


Data from:  2009 International Costal Cleanup

Project By:

Ms.Kim Tsai's 2nd Grade Students


For more information, please visit Ms.Kim Tsai's Digital Portfolio at:

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