How do Forces of Nature & Environment
Impact our Local Habitats?
Written By Rebekah
My name is Rebekah and I am a second grader at HTe North County. My class went to clean up Carlsbad Beach and noticed lots of trash! We decided to create a project about our dilemma. The essential question for our project was, "How do forces of nature and environment our local habitats?" We learned how trash and pollution impact the animals that live in our local habitats.
Please read my research below to learn more about our project and how you can help protect our local habitats.
The Dolphin Family
One day in the big blue there was a dolphin family. The mother had a baby , so cute, anyway lets get back to the story. A dolphin isn’t born to fend for themselves but they are born to mimic and mirror mom . Baby becomes moms shadow.
That day humans were littering and didn't even care and that night there was a huge storm. And just imagine when the dolphins awaken they go get food.They saw a yellow chip bag and thought it was a yellow fish. Mommy put it in her mouth but she didnt swallow it.It felt wierd so she spit it out because she’s very smart. She went for a school of fish. She took four for herself and fed her baby milk. Well of course she went back to her baby which the dad was looking out for.When she arrived she saw baby hungry. Well mom did what she does she gave the baby food, mom and dad shared.
That night a mean cruel sailor was eating dinner and what do you think he did ? Well he throws his trash in the sea.The dolphin family wasn't full yet so they go for the trash.This time baby goes ,and swallows a bottle can and chokes on it so mommy and daddy use echolocation to call for help so all the other dolphins come and start saying kaka. The others hit the chest and the can comes out can you believe it, just in time they got to take baby to breathe air . Dolphins need to breathe air because they’re mammals.
Guess who they see when they go up for air? The mean sailor ,
Special thanks to:
The parents of 2nd Grade HTe and

Project By:
Ms.Kim Tsai's 2nd Grade Students

For more information, please visit Ms.Kim Tsai's Digital Portfolio at:
We picked up the most cigarettes. The least electric wires. 142 cigarettes, 1 electric wire at Frazee beach in total. We picked up 393 at the beach.
still throwingtrash! When he sees the dolphins, he stops. The sailor felt sad that he was throwing trash in the ocean and realized that he was injuring animals . From that point on, he did not throw trash in the ocean and taught others what happens when you throw trash in the wrong spot.