How do Forces of Nature & Environment
Impact our Local Habitats?
Written By Sierra Leahy
My name is Sierra and I am a second grader at HTe North County. My class went to clean up Carlsbad Beach and noticed lots of trash! We decided to create a project about our dilemma. The essential question for our project was, "How do forces of nature and environment our local habitats?" We learned how trash and pollution impact the animals that live in our local habitats.
Please read my research below to learn more about our project and how you can help protect our local habitats.
How to Protect Loggerhead Sea Turtles From Trash
Baby loggerhead sea turtles go into the ocean when they first get out of the eggs they were born in. They eat Jellyfish and when people throw grocery bags on the street it goes threw the storm drain and ends up in the ocean and the loggerhead sea turtles find it and eat it and die.
They think the thrash is another sea animal that they eat. When loggerhead sea turtles eat thrash, it gets stuck in their tummy. They think their full but there actually not because trash does not have any vitamins in it. Most sea turtles live for a long time but if they eat trash they will live for a short time.
At the CarlsBad Frazee Beach our class picked up over 400 pieces of trash and if we didn’t pick all of that up the sea animals could have died from it. People can help sea animals by picking up trash whenever they see trash on the ground inside or outside.
Special thanks to:
The parents of 2nd Grade HTe and

The most trash in all is cigarettes. The least trash is toys. Wrappers has more than string.
Data from: 2009 International Costal Cleanup

Project By:
Ms.Kim Tsai's 2nd Grade Students

For more information, please visit Ms.Kim Tsai's Digital Portfolio at: